Saturday, August 11, 2007

Dear Lou Dobbs, Last week LULAC & the American GI Forum held a Press Conference regarding

From: Jaime Kenedeno <>
To: elle mintry <>
Date: Feb 25 2007 - 6:53am

Friday, August 3, 2007

Now, Thats WATT I'm Talkin Bout! A Must Read From the Heart of Howard Karsh.

by hkarsh

August 2, 2007

I was a candidate for the Del Mar Board of Regents. I picked up the package to run for office. I am College Educated. I have several degrees. I'm pretty good at reading and writing contracts and such. I'm not a lawyer and believe me I could have used a lawyer to explain all the stuff I was responsible for and had to do. Del Mar wasn't going to explain it to me and the local party bosses wouldn’t have anything to do with me. Del Mar certainly wasn't going to help Linda whose brother they had railroaded out of a job. Now Linda was the first person in a Corpus Christi Public Housing development to successfully run for a public office and her neighbors were very proud of her. So here we have a person who picked herself up by her bootstraps with out the aid of the local democratic or republican bosses and won her election. So what do the local politicos do and that includes our slimy DA, they go after her and shoot her down. Got to keep those lower classes out of local politics or who knows what might happen. Just for those of you who do not know, she wasn't welcomed by the Board either. I have no doubt from my many years of experience with Del Mar College if Linda had been a Regent the College wanted, the DA would never have brought charges; as much as people like me would have screamed for it. Adler and her cronies were looking for any excuse to get Linda out that they could dig up. Now Gabe Rivas, who was voted out of office by the community he was supposed to have served; because he mostly served himself and the corrupt DMC administration, wants his job back. We are looking at a long term appointment here. I hope this community puts the College on notice that another election is called for here.